How to Choose china tooling?

Author: CC

Mar. 07, 2024


It's a meaninglessly generalized question that won't have a useful answer.

Yes and no, it all depends on the tool, the application, the user, etc.

There are plenty of Chinese made tools that are actually good and will do the job they're intended for well.  There are plenty more that are cheap and have corners cut but if you're not looking for heavy duty, high longevity, or extended repeatability they will do the job fine.  Then there's crap where too many corners have been cut and they really don't adequately fill the use case for the tool.

Then there's the user's requirements, in my mind the biggest issue with Chinese made tools is that they are arbitrarily specified and don't actually live up to published specifications - this makes them actually dangerous or unsuited for work they claim to be suited for.  This can be avoided almost entirely by buying through reputable sellers and buying reputable brands that don't overstate their specifications and actually to test their equipment.  A lot of the prevalence of Chinese tools on the cheap end is that meeting the specification doesn't actually matter for a large number of users buying the cheapest stuff - so they just advertise something inflated to draw in buyers, then still get decent ratings or whatever when the users don't come close to using it in a way that would test the specification.

So if you're choosing your vendor and brand carefully, you can get exactly what you expect to meet your use case.  If not, well you could get something that's a powerful tool at a great value or you could get a shoddily assembled tool that doesn't meet its posted specification (if it even is specified), doesn't function as advertised, and has no means of getting product support or repair.  And what makes the question especially meaningless: all of this is true with a tool manufactured in any country, it's just that the probability of a given outcome correlates with location somewhat.

Whether you’re creating a new product or seeking a replacement supplier, finding high-quality tooling at an affordable price isn’t always easy. So as the global marketplace continues to grow, more companies are turning to tooling in China to get the moulds they need for their products.

Despite setbacks from the Covid-19 pandemic, China’s tooling industry remains one of the world’s largest. With efficient import/export procedures, affordable rates, and mass production capabilities, many UK and international businesses get tooling from China to create and grow their product lines.

But is getting tooling from a Chinese company always the best choice? In this article, you’ll find out all the pros and cons of tooling in China, and why Maxview trusts Chinese company Connexions to deliver parts for our caravan WiFi routers and satellite systems.

Why is tooling so expensive?

Developing a tool can be one of the most expensive factors when manufacturing a product. Here are all the factors that influence tooling costs, no matter where they’re made:

  • Tool complexity — Highly complex tools like moulds, dies, and fixtures require advanced engineering and machining processes. Intricate designs with tight tolerances are likely to cost more.
  • Tooling materials — Durable, quality materials tend to be more expensive than cheaper options, so will contribute to a higher tooling cost.
  • Customisation — Customised tooling (a must-have for many businesses) costs more than off-the-shelf tooling.
  • Labour — Plastic injection tooling requires specialised skills, so you can expect to pay more if your tooling requires advanced practitioners.
  • Manufacturing processes — Computer numerical control (CNC) machining, EDM (electrical discharge machining), or additive manufacturing can all contribute to higher costs.
  • Lead times — If you need your tooling in a hurry, you’re likely to pay a premium for a rush order.
  • Quality control — Making sure your tooling meets your specifications and standards can be time-consuming, contributing to high labour costs.
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Pros of tooling production in China

It’s essential that your tooling lasts as long as you need it. That’s why most companies seek to invest in high-quality plastic injection tooling that will last for many years. So is it a good idea to get your tooling in the UK or abroad?

Let’s look at the advantages of getting tooling from a manufacturer in China.

1. It’s often cheaper than UK or European tooling

Just like injection moulding in China, it’s often much cheaper to get tooling from a Chinese manufacturer than suppliers in the UK or Europe. Labour, manufacturing, and materials often cost less in China, allowing them to offer more competitive prices.

2. Advanced technology

Lots of Chinese manufacturers have invested in advanced technology and processes, so they can produce quality tooling using the most efficient practices.

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3. You can customise tooling as needed

If you’re looking for custom or bespoke tooling, many Chinese manufacturers can supply this based on a design alone. Connexions, Maxview’s Chinese tooling partner, can help with tool drawing to ensure you have a feasible design.

4. Chinese tooling manufacturers have excellent export capabilities

Millions of businesses import tools from China, so the country is set up with excellent import/export capabilities to streamline logistics and shipping. Choosing an experienced supplier like Connexions will ensure your plastic injection tooling is completed and parts are received on time.

5. Get tooling prototypes quickly

With fast prototyping and manufacturing methods readily available, you can often get your tools made and ready-to-use in a short period of time, despite the distance.

6. Take advantage of economies of scale

Chinese manufacturers like Connexions can offer excellent economies of scale. The more tools you order, the less you’ll generally pay per tool. This is a significant advantage for companies who need tooling in larger quantities.

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7. Smooth import/export experience thanks to trade agreements

International trade agreements between China and the UK (as well as other European countries) allow for smooth cross-border transactions and shipping.

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Cons of tooling production in China

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While there are many reasons to consider tooling production in China, there are also some drawbacks to think about.

1. Chinese tooling manufacturers may work to different standards

Not all Chinese manufacturers work to the same standards or specifications as your company, so you’ll need to ensure your chosen supplier has the capability to meet your needs.

Connexions is an ISO9001 certified tooling manufacturer, so they’re committed to meeting the necessary quality and safety standards required by most UK firms.

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2. Communication barriers

Clear and effective communication is necessary to ensure your plastic injection tooling is made correctly to your specification. Some UK companies may worry about the language barrier when working with a Chinese supplier.

However, many tooling manufacturers in China work almost exclusively with English-speaking customers, meaning their teams can communicate easily in English.

3. Intellectual property concerns

You’ll need to establish who owns the tooling once it’s been made, and protect your designs using appropriate intellectual property protection measures. This will prevent unlicensed copies of your product entering the market.

4. There may be logistical challenges to overcome

While lots of Chinese suppliers have excellent logistics coordination, there may be hiccups, especially in the initial stages. You’ll also need to account for longer lead times and higher shipping costs.

5. Chinese festivals can impact business continuity planning

You may need to plan your logistics around Chinese festivals such as Chinese New Year and Dragon Boat Festival. Lead times can be longer around these holidays, so it’s important to account for them to avoid disappointment.

6. Possible hidden costs

Consider extra possible costs like import duties, taxes, and regulatory fees when calculating the savings you’ll make on tooling from China.

Connexions is highly transparent about its pricing, so you’ll know just how much your tooling and manufacturing costs will add up to. Most tooling costs between $1,500 and $150,000, depending on design complexity, materials, and size.

Why choose Connexions for your plastic injection tooling and moulds?

Maxview has trusted Connexions to supply plastic tooling for caravan products and accessories for 30 years. Here are seven reasons to choose Connexions for your own tooling requirements:

  • Connexions follows strict tooling quality assurance processes, from design validation to a trial inspection of the initial mould.
  • Tooling is available in any size up to 1.5m x 1.5m.
  • Custom tooling for your specific product is available.
  • Connexions offers a guarantee of at least one million lifetime shots per tool.
  • Hardened steel (HRC 48-52) is used to create the tooling cavity and core.
  • Fast tooling lead times of 25 to 30 days.
  • No minimum order quantity for tooling.

Maxview, a UK-based manufacturer of products for motorhomes and caravans, and King Connect, a USA-based manufacturer of the same products for the RV market in America, have been working with Connexions for 30 years, and fully endorse them for any tooling requirements.

To learn more about requesting tooling from Connexions, contact [email protected].

How to Choose china tooling?

The Pros and Cons of Tooling in China 2024

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